Written on Aug 9, 2019
Dark Alpha’s Redemption focused on Bradach and Maeve’s relationship. It was a romance that I didn’t see coming. If the author had told me, a few books back, that they were going to get together, I would have laughed — not those two. So, yes, I was surprised when I saw that it was Bradach and Maeve.
Maeve and Bradach had some intense sex scenes. I liked that the author chose to build up their sexual attraction. I also loved where they first had sex. It was almost like a vast EFF You to Usaeil. The sex scenes themselves were steaming hot. I was expecting my Kindle to short circuit, that is how hot they are.
I loved that the Dragon Kings were included and they were still searching for Conn. I was waiting for Rhi to show up. I was expecting her to make an appearance. Where was she and what was she doing?
The storyline with Xaneth was heartbreaking. I hope that someone finds him. Because I have a feeling that Usaeil is going to injure or kill him.
I want to know how the Trackers are made!!! I was fascinated by them. The end of the book hinted that the Reapers were going to look into it.
Dark Alpha’s Redemption did have a typical romance HEA. But, before that could happen, I thought that Death’s interrogation of Maeve was perfect. I already can’t wait for the next book!!