Written on Feb 2, 2018
Jenna was an amazing woman. Despite her grief, she loved deeply and well, pouring herself out for those she came into contact with. Though he didn't have the same grief to deal with that she did, Scott was probably more broken. The way he determined to learn what love truly is and how to help Jenna was so sweet.
Due to the nature of the subject matter, grief, the mood throughout much of the book is heavy. It doesn't end there, however. I especially appreciated the way the author did not wait to show the triumph of sadness until the last page, and instead showed joy and victory gradually breaking through the despair like the first crocus conquering the darkness and cold of winter, and blossoming into a glorious spring.
The author obviously has a heart for those who are hurting, and spent a lot of time on going through how to deal with grief. There are multiple conversation, sermons, and excerpts from books that are used throughout the story to help the readers to learn about the grief process and about love. I confess I did get a little weary of them, mostly the quotes from the books on grief, but only a little.
This book is the last of the series, and really doesn't stand alone. I have read the first book, Flight 259, but have not read A Time to Love and knew I was missing out on some things as I read this one. It has been such a long time since I read the first book, I can't even tell you what I had rated it, but I do know that the story has stayed in my mind through that time, which says a lot considering how many books I have read in the interim.
How she would ever say good-bye to them, Jenna had no earthly idea. As she walked to the gate, tucked under Scott’s arm, holding Lane’s hand with her other, she let the thought of what the coming minutes would bring into her consciousness, and it gripped her heart so tightly that breathing was becoming an issue.This review was originally posted on Among the Reads
“First boarding call for Flight 9351 to Newark…”
Already. She forced herself to take a breath. She couldn’t lose it now. Not now. You have to be strong. They need you to be strong. This is no time to fall apart. She swallowed the jumble of emotions back down into her heart. “Wow, good thing we left when we did. We barely made it.”
“Yeah.” But he didn’t sound wholly sure or happy about that.
Understanding what he didn’t voice, she slowed their steps and tightened her hold on his waist. “Oh, I was going to tell you, I packed some extra snacks in the bag. Animal crackers.” She grinned up at him. “Can’t fly without those.”
He pulled her closer to him and kissed her head. “You think of everything.”
She kept the smile on her face even though her heart was about to abort the mission. “It’s a mom thing.”
When they stopped at the gate which already had people lined from one end to the other, boarding the jet bridge, his gaze swept across the area and fell right into hers. It took actual thought for her to hold onto Lane because getting lost in Scott’s blue eyes was always a possibility.
He reached up and brushed the hair off her shoulder. “You’re going to be okay getting back? I know the traffic…”
She let her gaze go soft. “It’s a whole lot better than getting on that plane would be.”
His face came close to a smile, but it fell from his eyes before it found his lips. “I’m gonna miss you.”
“I know, but just think, the next time you get here, no more leaving.”
“No more leaving. I like the sound of that.” And right there in the terminal, he put his hand on her neck and laid his lips on hers. They were warm, soft, safe, perfect. She felt the love pour through them and right into her being. She soaked each molecule in with deep, abiding joy.
“Second boarding call for Flight 9351 to Newark.”
Scott broke the kiss for one second. “I really wish they’d stop doing that. It’s kinda killing the mood.”
However, Jenna hardly heard anything other than her heart begging for more. She put her hand on the back of his head and tugged him back to her. “Not a chance.”