Cocktails and Books
Written on Oct 28, 2013
I didn't really like Deke. Plan and simple, he was an ass. I could see past his man whorish ways, but the way he treated Vann was appalling. It was really hard to find one redeeming quality in the man, especially when we got to see that not everything Deke put out there was real. I could see Vann wanting to make peace with him and get some closure, but to try and do anything else with him grated on my nerves.
Then there was the stalker storyline. Vann is secretly an erotic romance novelist. Only a few people know who she is, yet she has a stalker who is able to get in contact with her true identity instead of her alias. All believable, but then the identify of the stalker and his accomplice became known and their reasoning behind it lost me.
This was another one of those reads where I had to say "is it me?" Others have liked it and more undoubtedly will too, but this was not one of my favorites.