Cocktails and Books
Written on Aug 8, 2015
This book was an absolute pleasure to read. The blurb rather intrigued me, so I decided to give it a go, and I was not sorry.
Nadia is a clerk in the mailroom at the company run by Ethan Wright, and she's fantasized about him pretty much since the day she was hired. Ethan is a very private person, however, and when he finds out that she's asked a few personal questions about him, he's ready to fire her. Once he meets her, though, he changes his mind. Their relationship builds slowly. They both love going to the Art Institute, especially to view a particular set of windows. So, they meet there for lunch every day. She falls hard, and so does he, but he's got his fingers into some very dangerous pies, and he doesn't want to see her her.
There, the fun begins...and it really was fun to read. I loved both of these characters. They were strong and intriguing on their own, but when they got together, there was a chemistry that was combustible. Their love for each other was very fierce, and when they begain to have sex, it goes completely off the charts. Their love scenes were intense and oh, so hot! They had feeling of a kind of desparation to them. They've found what they were looking for in each other, and they're clinging to it with everything they had.
Of course, everything isn't simply all wine and roses. As I said, Ethan is inolved with some very dangerous things with some very dangerous people. In order to protect her, Ethan tries pushing Nadia away, and that breaks both of their hearts. There are also some misundertandings along the way as well, and some angst as well. All in all, it's a perfect mix, and it makes the story flow smoothly.
This was the first book that I've read by SJ Maylee, and I have no idea why. I can't believe that I haven't discovered her by now, and I'm so glad I have now. She's got a new fan in me, and I can't wait to read more of her stories. I highly recommend this one. Five stars all the way!
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