Written on Oct 16, 2014
I stand (technically, I'm sitting) a broken woman. You know why? I finished The Second Chance Hero and there no more Forever Love series books to read. (For now) I've had this book on my Kindle for at least a month and I put off reading it as long as I could stand it. On one hand, I really wanted to read it because I loved the previous books and I was looking forward to Owen and Kim. On the other, I did not want to read it because I knew that there was NOT another Forever Love series book waiting on me. Dilemma. First world problem and all that.
But, I persevered and read it with great pleasure. I have to say that stumbling on to Jeannie Moon ranks pretty high on my list of outstanding author discoveries!
This book, made me laugh, sigh and CRY. Yes. Kim has experienced something that no one should have to experience and the way Ms. Moon tells that part of the story is heart wrenching. I found myself eating lunch and sniffling as I read. I really loved Kim, she was a Navy nurse in Afghanistan and she is one tough cookie. After losing her fiancee in Afghanistan, she has taken a job as Harper's baby's nanny (that was a mouthful). We meet Kim in Harper and Kevin's book, The Wedding Secret and I liked her immediately. Anyone that can handle Harper is A OK in my book. Owen is not only a Marine, he's a partner in Jason and Nate's firm, Reliance Software. So, he's no dummy. And did I mention he's hot? It's mentioned a lot by the lovely ladies of the Forever Love series too.
Is Owen perfect? Nah. I'll admit that he makes some decisions that me wince and ask "Whyyyyyyyyy?" Who said the road to love was always paved?
I have to admit that when Owen and Kim meet, I was already gone for Owen. He was so calm, strong and protective of her and he really didn't even know her. Frankly, I'd love to elaborate more about that first meeting but I cannot. The time that Kim and Owen spend together it's very obvious that they have a connection.
Good Lord. The man made her ovaries ache. When he touched her, when he folded his large hand around her small one, her world rocked. More than the earlier handshake, his touch, his presence made her feel calm and safe. Over the past year, Kim never felt safe, never felt calm and safe.
My ovaries ached too, Kim. Owen is a good guy, such a good guy and Kim truly deserves a good guy (MAN, actually) and Owen is that MAN. I know I've gushed a lot over this series but I truly enjoy it and I hope that others will pick it up and enjoy it too. And yes, it's rich guys falling in love, but honestly, I never really felt like I was reading about spoiled, over indulgent playboys getting cut down to size by a woman. Ms. Moon writes men that are successful and yet humble and IMHO, easy to love.
I had the distinct pleasure of asking Ms. Moon some questions and she graciously agreed to indulge me. ;) (My thoughts in italics)
You can go to the blog to read the interview :)
Annnnnndddddd. Ms. Moon is giving away an e copy of The Temporary Wife (Book 1) and SWAG in the SSBR Giveaway. So be sure to enter!!
Book #4: Second Chance Hero:
❃ Pinterest Board // Goodreads // Amazon // B&N ❃
Book #1: The Temporary Wife:
❃ Pinterest Board // Goodreads // Amazon // B&N ❃
Book#2: Unexpectedly Yours:
❃ Pinterest Board // Goodreads // Amazon // B&N ❃
Book #3: The Wedding Secret:
❃ Pinterest Board // Goodreads // Amazon // B&N ❃
This review was originally posted on Straight Shootin' Book Reviews