Written on Feb 20, 2017
OK this one was just not that great. First, if you take money in exchange for sex, you are a PROSTITUTE. Don't try and dress it up in some love at first sight shit. The heroine agreed to take money for sex ergo...PROSTITUTE.
That aside this book made NO sense. OK, she lost her job a MONTH earlier and couldn't find another. She only had a month worth of savings? No severance pay? At one point she says she is going to "lose her house" but earlier she said her "rent went up and was due and she couldn't pay it" So which is it?? I know you can rent houses, but I doubt anyone would say they were going to "lose their house" if they rented.
YES YES I know I am being uber picky, but I'm thinking getting a job asking "Do you want fries with that?" is probably WAY more preferable for most people than whoring yourself out for some douche who places a deceptive ad in the paper. *lol*
I also found the writing very cheesy and amateurish. The whole OW scene at the charity event made me laugh my ass off...
"Really, you bring trash to a place like this, among people of such high standing? I thought better of you, Easton. She isn’t fit to be here. You’re a disgrace."
"Seriously, dear. You think you can do better than me with that fat bitch.” “Cathy, I never liked you, and I never wanted you. You were easy, and I needed some release. Don’t you ever, I mean this, ever, talk to her again or even be in the same vicinity. If you even try to push this, I will end you."
Who outside of mustache-twirling villains says shit like that?? Sigh, I am going to stop now because I think you get the gist of why this one was a callosal miss for me.