Written on Jun 3, 2017
I am a little in love with this cover. A super hot guy that is a good representation of the hero. Fabulous composition. Interesting typography. It's just a really great cover.
I enjoyed this one for the most part. It had a couple of issues that kept it from being rated higher, but overall it was a satisfying read.
I found it to be well written and fairly well paced. There were a few times I felt it got bogged down with mundane details, and my interest would wane. But then something would happen, and I would find myself invested in the story again. There isn't any OW/OM drama but there is a a dead ex and child and that plays a significant role in the book. Enough that people who are bothered by that scenario will have issues with this one. It's also very insta-lust. There were some interesting secondary characters that I look forward to reading more about (Max especially.) Both main characters were likable, but I did struggle to feel a connection between them at times. Lastly, it was all wrapped up in a cute little epilogue.
So my issues, I very much felt like I was dropped into the middle of an ongoing story at the beginning of this one. This CAN be read as a standalone, but I assume(?) that Tristen's kidnapping and plans for rescue are part of the Satan's Fury series? Obviously, I can't be sure having not read that series, but like I said the beginning of this one felt very much like a story that had already started. Secondly, I had a bit of trouble connecting with these two as a couple. Maybe it was because Nitro was still so hung up on getting revenge. I often felt like Tristen just accepted whatever scraps he threw her way. It also felt like they didn't spend a lot of time together. It felt like she spent more time with Max and had more conversations with him than she did Nitro.
In any case, a bit of a mixed bag, but like I said overall I enjoyed it. So one thumb and one pinkie finger up from yours truly.