Written on Mar 23, 2017
I am not going to rate this one because I skimmed a lot. I wasn't planning on reading it because #reasons, but you know what they say...curiosity killed the cat. In this case, it was more along...Read more
I am not going to rate this one because I skimmed a lot. I wasn't planning on reading it because #reasons, but you know what they say...curiosity killed the cat. In this case, it was more along the lines of putting the cat to sleep. It was WAY too long and WAY too drawn out. We got 12000 pointless chapters from Ling's POV, especially in light of the fact they dispensed of her all "easy the fucking peasy" like??!! Like...WTF was THAT?? Twitch was like some weird neutered dog, and it seemed like all his chapters were just to show him being a Dad. The sex was boring...the only good things about the book was it got me interested in a bunch of characters I am sure we won't get books about for 10,000 years from now, and I liked Lexi.
I really should have gone with my gut on this one. Live and learn I guess...
I am not going to rate this one because I skimmed a lot. I wasn't planning on reading it because #reasons, but you know what they say...curiosity killed the cat. In this case, it was more along the lines of putting the cat to sleep. It was WAY too long and WAY too drawn out. We got 12000 pointless chapters from Ling's POV, especially in light of the fact they dispensed of her all "easy the fucking peasy" like??!! Like...WTF was THAT?? Twitch was like some weird neutered dog, and it seemed like all his chapters were just to show him being a Dad. The sex was boring...the only good things about the book was it got me interested in a bunch of characters I am sure we won't get books about for 10,000 years from now, and I liked Lexi.
I really should have gone with my gut on this one. Live and learn I guess...