Written on Mar 28, 2014
Wow what a great story. I laughed, I cried, I felt anger, I felt betrayal...I felt a lot.
First off I have to say that I would never have bought this book based on the front cover. Luckily a friend had read, reviewed and told me how wonderful it was.
This story is about a woman who has extreme OCD and how she struggles to fit in and cope with her 'differences'. She is slowly recovering from a horrible break up from a fiancee who couldn't cope with her illness.
In walks Reece who feels an instant attraction to Bailey and they decide to buck the rules of no inter-office romance and fall in love. Reece was a superb H with lots of hot, sexy talk. The sex scenes were really good and very steamy.
Not everything is hearts and flowers and some hard times come, but with the help of their wonderful friends they manage to muddle through.
This was definitely the type of story that was a little bit predictable but I loved it and I will definitely be reading more from this author.