Written on Jun 23, 2019
Does forbidden fruit taste sweeter? If you asked Chase, the main character in Forbidden Miles, I would guess he'd say that forbidden fruit is surprisingly sweet. I completely understood and nodded my head in agreement when he claimed to not have seen Brynn in the many years they've known each other. For starters, they met when Brynn was a baby and knew each other because of Chase's friendship with her brother, Cooper. You're not supposed to notice your best friends little sister's beauty. It's written in a rule book somewhere, I'm sure. But, Brynn grew up, Chase started to mature...then...BOOM!!
I absolutely loved Chase's discombobulation when he finally sees Brynn. At first, he's convinced that it was a trick of his senses. Then, after confirming that his senses are working very well, he realises what he's feeling is like nothing he's ever felt before. Chase is not willing to mess around with what he's feeling. He's all in and nothing, including his best friend, will stop him from having Brynn in his life. To be honest, this was the best and worst part of the story. For 75% of the story, 'LOVE' was just a word. Eventually, love becomes more than a word and their feelings for each other really shone through.
Funny thing...when Hubby and I were younguns in love, we were all about the I LOVE YOU'S. We couldn't seem to help ourselves and loved saying it to each other. We still say it a lot...well, maybe not a lot-lot, but more than once in a blue moon, but back then, it was excessive. Now, that I'm older, I read all the devotions of love and I roll my eyes. I guess the old me is rolling my eyes at the young me.
Anyways, Forbidden Miles was pretty good and I loved catching up with the Miles Family again. Brynn's dad is still an absolute DOUCHEWAFFLE!! His latest stunt is probably going to put him in the douchewaffle category FOREVER. Can't say I'm a huge fan of Chase's parents either, to be honest. Luckily, Shannon, Brynn's mother, is the shining light in parenting. She makes up for all those lacking in this series.
Mostly, this is a sweet and sexy contemporary romance. There's not a lot of angst, and when there was a bit, it was not OTT or too frustrating. Luckily, common sense prevailed and most of the issues fixed themselves with a wee bit of communication.
I'm a confirmed Claire Kingsley fan and I will definitely be back for more in this series. I'm excited about Cooper's story but I can't wait for Leo's.