Written on Nov 1, 2018
Eve Dangerfield is one of my favorite authors. When you pick up one of her books, you know you are going to get a unique and well-writing story. That said, this one wasn't one of my favorites of hers. The writing was great; the characters were well developed and fun. Although I did struggle with Sam a bit. She came across so immature to me at times. It also had some smokin' sex scenes and not a lot of drama. However, I found it a bit too slow moving for my tastes. I struggled to stay interested in the story and often found myself putting it aside to do other things. It did thankfully pick up around 60%, and I enjoyed the last 40%, and the ending was super sweet and made me cry.
So although not one of my favorites by this author (ACT YOUR AGE still holds that spot), it was still an enjoyable read, and I was super intrigued by both sisters and looking forward to seeing what this author has in store for them as well!