Written on Sep 25, 2018
I thought I was all cried out Sunday but this book just had more tears I didn’t know existed, seriously I can’t have any more!
This has the feel-good factor of second chances at life and love, trusting again after hurt and lots of bears!!
I wasn’t sure what to expect when reading this but it wasn’t what I got! Two people where life has literally thrown a lot of rubbish their way, but two people wanting to carry on and find the strength to carry on. I will say I was expected a lot of bears in the book! But the phrase bear with me was used a lot, and it was used while we beared with the characters to find their way again.
One character I could not stand was Kirsty, throwing herself around at any man that moved, she had no self-respect or generally any respect and I am glad she didn’t feature much.
The book is told from Jemma and Sams point of view, introducing us to their life and insights. Not actually meeting each other until halfway through. At the start, you just can’t see how they are going to meet, but thinking back hints were there. These two characters could not be any more likeable if they tried, they had flaws but they are the types of people I would love to be friends with.
I was captivated by this book and read it in one sitting there were a few twists In this story before you get to the end and they were shocking for both characters. The fact they were both going through their own individual heartache and could be there was for each other was magical.
I did not want to put the book down until the story had been told. Now I have a soggy pillow from the tears but it was worth it.