Trying to sell haunted homes, working for the local competition and helping family are keep Grace busy. She meets Owen at her new real estate firm and he clearly has an interest in her. Can she overcome the age difference?
Her new boss hires her, but with conditions. She needs to sell one of three unsellable homes. It turns out the homes are all owned by one man and haunted. I loved this aspect of the story, from the ghostly mischief to the histories.
We also meet Grace’s niece Lex and her girlfriend. Lex is having troubles at home with Grace’s sister’s boyfriend. It was an interesting thread, and all the dishes Lex cooked made my stomach grumble.
I loved meeting Grace’s friends, the troubles Grace had with her spells, and the local happens.
However, the romance fell flat for me. I felt the chemistry between Grace and Owen, but didn’t get swept up. The romance was served as a side dish and just didn’t have enough to hook me. I am very interested in her friend’s second chance romance; which is rekindling… I hope. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer