Written on Mar 5, 2019
If I could lay all the little pieces of this story out on a table, I could make a pile of the things I absolutely loved about Best Laid Plans. First off, Lauren Blakely you make the sun come out on a cloudy day. Well, maybe not literally, but you do bring a little bit of joy to my day with your funny, little tales. I would be a happy reader if you could please release a new audio every week. That's not too much to ask is it, Ms Blakely? Please, and thank you's...hugs and smooches...an Aussie bottle of wine as payment...(wink, wink).
I loved that Arden owned a bookstore and knew so much about each book she sold. Arden also has an uncanny knack for matching the story of your choice to a wine, which I find very appealing. Her book store was something that appealed to the reader and wine drinker in me. If she added a coffee marching, a comfy chair to read in and a peaceful atmosphere, there's a good chance I'd become a permanent resident.
Gabe was sexy, sweet and HOT!!! Not just HOT to look at either, he deals in HOTNESS all day long, working as the local fireman. Gabe even has a history that's HOT. He had a short-lived career as a pitcher before blowing out his shoulder, ending his career. As he puts it, how many people get to have both their dream careers in their lifetimes? And, Gabe's still a sweetheart who's HOT!!
I loved Gabe's parents, grandfather and his willingness to make and show them, how important they were to him. Arden's friends are a hoot and the women's book club event hosted at her shop sounded like a lot of fun and very sexy.
Last but definitely not least, another little piece that brought a smile to my face was the amazing narration by Erin Mallon and Joe Arden. Together in duet form, which I admit takes a wee while to get used to, they were magic together. It's easy to convince yourself that these two ARE living the life of Arden and Joe. Erin and Joe are so easy to listen to and I never have problems following along.
There were a couple of little pieces that I would have happily left for the birds. Seriously, Arden was a little too sweet, bordering on ditzy. That initial scene with the ex made me cringe with her desperateness. Then, her obliviousness to Gabe's feelings, later on, made her seem callous and oblivious. My eyes went for a wee bit of a roll at those times.
Now Gabe and his dating other women when he knew he had feelings for Arden, was another little piece that I could have done without. I KNOW they weren't in a relationship but how dodgy is it that he was using those women to distract him from his thoughts of Arden. NICE!! Luckily, I don't see (hear...read) him dating, but I KNOW it's happening in the background.
Those two little bits were just little eye-twitches. Besides that, I really enjoyed Best Laid Plans and I know I will be back for more in the future.
Absolutely loved the bonus material at the end of the audio. Joe and Erin having chats about stuff was fun and had me laughing out loud. Definitely, a treat to finish off a great experience.