Cocktails and Books
Written on Oct 30, 2014
Drew loves acting, but he hates practically everything else that comes with it. Sydney grounds him, helps him relax and also (unfortunately for her) unlocks his alpha male tendencies. But you always know where Drew is coming from. He may have hidden what he did for a living from Sydney, but it was under the best intentions because he knew she was skiddish and he needed to ease her into discovering his Hollywood side. When he barked at her for not answering a call or going somewhere without him or with someone else, it his insecurities and fears about losing Sydney that made him appear like a crazy man. Being inside Drew's head and getting a first hand glimpse at all his neuroses just made me love him more. Who does want the sexiest man alive only having eyes for them, willing to do anything to make sure you're happy and safe, even if his paranoia drives you crazy. Given Sydney's experience with the papparazi and fans, she knew his actions were justified and knew there were times when she just had to go with whatever Drew wanted to help ease his fears.
I already loved Drew Forrester. I knew he could be an ass, overreacting and being a tad bit overprotective about things. But with this retelling of RELATIVELY FAMOUS, from Drew's POV, Heather Leigh gave me all sorts of reasons to fall in love with Drew again. And I did. Heather Leigh took a series I adored and made that much better by getting us into Drew's head and knowing for sure every crazy ass, irritating, overprotective thing that man did was for the woman who changed his life.