Written on Oct 25, 2016
Ok, Saylor is my fictional sister from a fictional mother….lol. I absolutely loved her. She fully owns her geekiness. From quoting Star Trek/Harry Potter/Star Wars (and many references to all of them throughout the book…heck her cat is named Empress Padme…lol) to talking excitedly about LARP’ing (Live Action Role Playing to those who didn’t know the abbreviation means) to Hayden to being socially awkward in a cute way….I loved her.
Saylor does have her issues, though. Her father is a very rich, very famous politician who had an affair with her then underage mother (well 16ish) and that resulted in Saylor. While her mom is awesome, she has her own career and issues to deal with. She is a famous model/movie star who likes married men. So Saylor stays under the radar and has become the complete opposite of her mother.
Hayden, on the other hand, is a manwhore. The first chapter of the book, he bangs a woman in a greenhouse at an event for his father…not knowing that she is married to his father’s biggest donator (if that is really a word) to his campaign. Whoopsie. He meets Saylor at his friend’s Hunter’s wedding to Evangeline and promptly gets her into bed. But not before marrying her while in a drunken stupor (to be honest, they both were blitzed out of their minds).
Hunter has his own issues. His father, a state senator in NC, wants him to follow in his footsteps and is pressuring him to run for office. Which he doesn’t want to do, he wants to stay a firefighter in the city of Charlotte.
The chemistry when they get together is beyond awesome and I loved the sex scenes. I also liked that Hayden was doing the chasing during the book and Saylor was kinda undecided on what she wanted to do for a good part of it. She had some secrets to tell him…the biggest being that they got married in Tijuana after Hunter and Evangeline’s wedding on a drunken whim. Yeah, I think that is something someone would like to know….lol.
There is no InstaLove but there is InstaLust….which is better than InstanLove in my opinion. But there is the “I have no STD’s, do you and if you don’t and are on birth control, can I go bareback and shoot my load in you”. Which, like I have said in other reviews, stupid.
The ending and the epilogue totally made this book. Not going to go into it but let’s just say that some evil people get theres and there is a HEA.
How many stars will I give Hard to Fall? 3.5/4
Why? A great, steamy romance that has some pretty hot sex scenes. The only issue I had with the story is stated above.
Will I reread? Yes
Will I recommend to family and friends? Yes
Age range: Adult
Why: Sex and language.
**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance copy**
Saylor does have her issues, though. Her father is a very rich, very famous politician who had an affair with her then underage mother (well 16ish) and that resulted in Saylor. While her mom is awesome, she has her own career and issues to deal with. She is a famous model/movie star who likes married men. So Saylor stays under the radar and has become the complete opposite of her mother.
Hayden, on the other hand, is a manwhore. The first chapter of the book, he bangs a woman in a greenhouse at an event for his father…not knowing that she is married to his father’s biggest donator (if that is really a word) to his campaign. Whoopsie. He meets Saylor at his friend’s Hunter’s wedding to Evangeline and promptly gets her into bed. But not before marrying her while in a drunken stupor (to be honest, they both were blitzed out of their minds).
Hunter has his own issues. His father, a state senator in NC, wants him to follow in his footsteps and is pressuring him to run for office. Which he doesn’t want to do, he wants to stay a firefighter in the city of Charlotte.
The chemistry when they get together is beyond awesome and I loved the sex scenes. I also liked that Hayden was doing the chasing during the book and Saylor was kinda undecided on what she wanted to do for a good part of it. She had some secrets to tell him…the biggest being that they got married in Tijuana after Hunter and Evangeline’s wedding on a drunken whim. Yeah, I think that is something someone would like to know….lol.
There is no InstaLove but there is InstaLust….which is better than InstanLove in my opinion. But there is the “I have no STD’s, do you and if you don’t and are on birth control, can I go bareback and shoot my load in you”. Which, like I have said in other reviews, stupid.
The ending and the epilogue totally made this book. Not going to go into it but let’s just say that some evil people get theres and there is a HEA.
How many stars will I give Hard to Fall? 3.5/4
Why? A great, steamy romance that has some pretty hot sex scenes. The only issue I had with the story is stated above.
Will I reread? Yes
Will I recommend to family and friends? Yes
Age range: Adult
Why: Sex and language.
**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance copy**