Written on Jun 14, 2012
This story has a very interesting and new take on Lucifer. He is a really good guy who doles out punishments to people who are evil while on Earth. Oh, and his best friend is God. While on a trip to the surface, Lucifer, or Luc, meets a petite and ruthless lawyer, who he falls in love with. Nia has issues with trusting people, since she was orphaned as an infant. Lucifer makes a deal with God to get a week's vacation to attempt to win her trust and her love. If he succeeds, he gets to retire and live a normal life with her on the surface.
This story is a cute story about Lucifer. I don't know that I have ever seen him in this light (though [b:Lucifer's Daughter|8774296|Lucifer's Daughter (Princess of Hell, #1)|Eve Langlais|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1281100002s/8774296.jpg|13647806] comes pretty close). The sex is hot. Overall a good story. I would recommend it to people who like erotica. There is some BDSM, light spanking, some bondage, anal play, but nothing too extreme.
I won this ebook in a contest put on by the author and Jen of RedHotBooks in the Authors After Dark spotlight.
Thanks Jen and Tilly!!