Written on Dec 31, 2019
Barb had a hard life growing up. Her parents weren’t great, to say the least. They were both alcoholics. They screamed and fought with each other all the time. Needless to say, that didn’t endear Barb to getting into a long-term relationship. She was quick to cut things off when things started to get too serious.
Kord came to Earth with his brother, Braxx (who is the hero of the next book in the series). Braxx filled out the forms for both of them. He put down things that he thought women would be interested in, instead of filling out the forms with honesty. Needless to say, when you boast about your wealth (which means nothing to the Dakonians, but they have a lot from the ore on their planet, which is a great power source on Earth), you’re going to attract women who are interested in money. Kord didn’t think he would ever find his mate, until his most recent date dumped him on the way to their dinner at Barbie Q’s (she didn’t like barbeque, so he was much better off ending the date there anyway. Who doesn’t like BBQ, unless your vegetarian, which was not this woman’s issue). Anyway, that’s how he meets Barb.
I had a really great time with this story. Again, I really enjoyed the characters. And I liked seeing Barb work through her issues on relationships and her family. She’s got some great friends around her too. It has made me very eager to read Braxx’s story, especially since we see who his heroine will be at the end of this book.
**I'd like to thank the author for providing me with a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.