Whitney @ First Impressions Reviews
Written on Oct 27, 2018
Yet due to his persistence, I gave Men at Arms, the second novel in the series a try. I enjoyed Men at Arms more than its predecessor so I'm glad I didn't give up. I love Carrot, his naivety and big heart is endearing and sometimes comical, however he definitely knows more than he lets on. I also found the writing to be better formed and had a smoother storyline. Unfortunately, I didn't bookmark but there are some great lines in Men at Arms which has a unique blend of humor interspersed between dragons, which I found amusing.
Will I read the next book in the series? I've been on the same page for over a year now so probably not. However, I'm glad I gave the Discworld series another try because I do think they will get better as the series progresses I just don't think the plot line is right for me.
This review was originally posted on First Impressions Reviews