Written on Dec 17, 2012
If you doubt that there is gluten in too many things, take a look at your lunch. You're eating crisps? May contain gluten. Chocolate? May contain gluten. That sandwich? duh. The chicken on it, check it again, can contain gluten. The mayonaise? possibly gluten. They even bulk up some coffee with barley or wheat, which contain gluten.
Do I think it's a practical diet? No.
Do I think it's for everyone? No.
Do I think some people might benefit from it? Yes
Do I think it's the panacea for all ills? No
To be honest I'm more in favour of 80/20 diets and think that people could stick to them. Completely excluding wheat/gluten/refined carbohydrate from your diet is a uphill task and while some of what he says makes sense and might be your thing, it might not.
I also have certain issues about the use of artifical sweeteners, I'm not sure about the safety.