Written on Sep 17, 2014
I have a few male characters on my book-boyfriends list and Austin made it into the list. What I love so much about Austin is his honesty. He is always honest with Sienna...ALWAYS. The building-up of the story and the romance was great. I actually liked the pacing because there were interesting facts in this story. I am a Psychology major and I learned something in this book that could be seen as Epilepsy but it isn't—it has to do more with the psychological matter and I can't wait to investigate more on this.
I loved every character, except for Kyle (Sienna's boyfriend) and Nancy (Sienna's mom). I was in my Advanced Spanish class in college and I kept rolling my eyes, shaking my head, raising my hands in a frustrated way so much that my friend seated behind me asked me if I was okay. I was so frustrated with those two. Not only that, I hated the cheating part. I don't and will never agree with cheating and this story has loads of it, coming from Sienna. This is the reason why I can't give this story 5 stars.
All in all, it is a great story to read. Very light and to the point and shows a lot about honesty coming from a guy, which I love.