Light Your Candle Read-along (Another Sommer-Time Story)
by Carl Sommer
Written specifically for children ages 4-8, this brightly illustrated book candidly tackles the confusion and fear children face when a parent enters treatment. With vibrant illustrations by Mike Motz and a parent guide page included, parents now have a helpful tool that will ease children's apprehension when someone they love must confront reality Addiction is a devastating disease not only to the person who suffers from it, but also to family members. It's hard enough to explain to an adult ho...
This is an uncompromising, compelling and true-to-life story of two teenagers drawn into the dangerous and destructive world of heroin addiction. This tour de force by an acclaimed and provocative writer should become a definitive teenage novel on this subject.
Free Association Where My Mind Goes During Science Class (Adventures of Everyday Geniuses, #0)
by Barbara Esham
Have you ever started to think about one thing and ended up thinking about something completely different? Emily does it all the time. For example, today in science class they were learning about the Arctic Circle. Emily was following along, but then she suddenly became distracted by one of her adventurous ideas. It's not that Emily isn't picking up the information in class she just needs an outlet for her extra thoughts.