Written on Mar 27, 2018
1. The Game, ★★★★★"It is likely that the small group will continue to prosper even as this system dies. This is not the first time a grand shift has occurred."
2. Digital Heretic, ★★★★★
3. Interlude-Brandon, ★★★★★
4. Virtual Prophet, ★★★★
5. Shadows, ★★★★
6. Digital Evolution, ★★★
7. Cyber, ★★★★
[b:Cyber|28487790|Cyber (The Game is Life, #7)|Terry Schott|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1452270360s/28487790.jpg|48635091] is another companion story to the Game is Life series, and was an enjoyable diversion from the main storyline on Tygon. We have a new cast of characters in a new world, but this book ties in nicely with the non-Tygon storylines and what was introduced in the [b:Shadows|23003687|Shadows (The Game is Life, #5)|Terry Schott|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1408567695s/23003687.jpg|42569864] in a hilariously meta fashion. Everything is connected, and the Cooper we saw (slightly aged) makes an appearance in this storyline - was what he averted something that will correct his wrongs? Or is it something unrelated?
A good number of things regarding the greater picture of the world came into focus with this installment, and it definitely sets the stage for [b:Fragmented|32126686|Fragmented (The Game is Life, #8)|Terry Schott|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1474353585s/32126686.jpg|52766210]. The two companion books definitely provide what is likely necessary backstory for future installments of the series. Another world has been introduced, motivations introduced in Shadows were given more context, and I can see these plotlines being a main focus.
This is getting intricately complex, but Schott has proven that he has the talent to weave a compelling, thought provoking interconnected story universe. The pacing for this book is great and in line with the rest of the series, barring book 6. I am hoping that was a one-off fluke, but I am starting to feel like things may continue to get more complicated as the series progresses with little to know resolution. I feel like the first four books in the series had a good balance of introducing new elements to keep things moving forward with resolving some of the many plots introduced.
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