The MCs in this book are Mary, a woman with a self reliance shaped by her personal history, and Glen, a playboy pilot who cannot be tamed. I loved that these two toyed with the idea of each other for so long. They met over a year ago, and their mutual friends brought them into contact with each other several times over that year, but they never took that step and dated, until fate brought them back into each other's orbit.
The chemistry was fantastic between these two, like sparks flying from the page, and the banter was witty, charming, and fun. It was not all fun and games though. We saw a lot of emotional depth from these two. Bybee created an amazing female MC, who's backstory broke my heart, but she did not make it all tragic. I appreciate that Bybee tempered Mary's misfortune with many bright spots. So many sides of Mary's persona were revealed, and I just grew to like her more and more. The Fairchild men are Fairchild men. Hot and charming, but I loved the scenes when the brothers interacted the best. That is where I learned a lot about Glen and what made him tick. I adored how Mary and Glen grew together as their love deepened, and who doesn't love a taming the playboy story.
Being back with the Not Quite gang just brought a smile to my face and warmed my heart. Another great addition to this series.