Written on Nov 26, 2018
My rating is 4.5 stars
As with Sarah’s Smile, while there is romance and a great plot in Hope’s Design, there is a large focus on the spiritual growth of the characters and the lessons they learn about themselves and the Lord.
Ben carried tremendous guilt from something that happened when he was a teenager and he couldn’t allow himself to believe that he shouldn’t be bearing dire consequences. Despite his belief that Jesus had paid the price for his sins, he somehow still felt that he bore the guilt and shame. Praise God that Jesus took all that away when he died on the cross!
I enjoyed the tidbits shared about the Butterick pattern company as Hope spoke of them and tried to get them to accept her designs. Having used patterns by that very company (and others), this was another point that drew me in. Things I took for granted about using sewing patterns were shown as novel and new.
Hope’s cousin, Annie, had dreamed of creating a library in their town, and the process of doing exactly that took place. Again, it was fascinating to see what goes into an institution that I have taken for granted. In addition to that, Annie and Ben’s brother Jake presented a secondary story-line that enhanced the main one.
I may seem to be fixated on Rebecca (if you read my review for Sarah’s Smile, you’ll know I’m really looking forward to her story, which comes next!) I was able to see the beginning of her transformation here and the struggles she went through having people accept that she was changing. I have great hopes for her!
As a caution (because calling it a warning would be stronger than necessary) Hope had to leave New York to get away from a man who was abusive and controlling. This is handled in a very tactful manner, yet there is a portion of the plot dealing with abuse. If this is a sensitive subject for you, just be aware it is here so you are prepared.
This review was originally posted on Among the Reads
I was given a copy of this book for free. I was not required to give a favorable review nor was any money received for this review. All comments and opinions are my own.