I loved the setup and how Aidan approached these women. When he goes for a physic reading with gifted one, Dana Pembroke, hope sparks that he may have found her. Only someone posing as him is kidnapping gifted ones and an old nemesis is plotting against them all. Can he keep Dana safe, clear his name and find true love? Eep. Duvall hooked me from the very first page!
Ah, Adian. I adore him and have been waiting for his story. He is a little awkward, gentle, old-fashioned and yet, oh so sexy. Plus he has some cool abilities like teleportation, telekinesis, and healing. All without a Tardis! Dana was a breath of fresh air. Strong, confident and maybe a little "trigger" happy. She fit right in with this motley crew and provided plenty of office gossip. The romance that developed felt genuine, and I loved seeing them interact with the rest of the Immortals and humans in this tight little hive.
I love how Duvall weaves in humor. These are immortals, shit is going down and yet they laugh and tease. Some moments with Dana had me giggling aloud.
The storyline was intense and pits brother against brother. Duvall takes her time and develops the tale from the suspense thread to the relationship. She makes me want to be a part of this secret society and hang out with these men and woman. From bickering to support these characters feel like one big family. The overall arc continues, but with each novel, Duvall shares a little more. I am curious as to what drives villain. A side thread regarding a vampire has me hoping for a miracle. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer