Written on Nov 6, 2017
When the new police chief is shot and killed, Ari Thor sets out to figure out who murdered the chief. To assist in the investigation the former chief of police, Tomas, returns to Siglufjordur, together Ari Thor and Tomas begin to unravel the mystery of who murdered Hefjolfur.
Ari Thor and his girlfriend, Kristin, have a ten-month-old son and are having difficulties in their relationship stemming from some unresolved issues in Ari Thor's past additionally Ari Thor is resentful that he was not made police chief when Tomas moved south and is now coping with Tomas taking over the investigation.
Things are not as they seem and despite the outside distractions that life has placed in front of Ari Thor he is able to puzzle out the mystery.
I enjoyed the book, if you are interested in Nordic Noir this is a fine book for you.
This review was originally posted on The Pfaeffle Journal