I got this book for free through the Kindle First program for Amazon Prime members. That's a great way to try out some translated books since usually at least one of the selections are translated.
This book 4 of a series published in Sweden but it is the first book available in English. The next book the series is going to be translated later in 2017. I'm not sure what the first few books cover but I didn't feel like I was missing anything by starting the story at this point.
This book is set during the time of the Vikings and everyone knows that they were awful. That aspect of Viking life is not sugar coated here. There is a lot of violence. There are graphic descriptions of multiple gang rapes.
Despite that, I did enjoy this story. I haven't read much set during this time in Scandinavia when there was conflict between traditional Nordic beliefs and Christianity. True believers on both sides are coming across people who will switch religions for personal or political gain.
If you like Game of Thrones style fantasy or historical fiction you will probably enjoy this book.
This review was originally posted on Based On A True Story