Baroness Book Trove
Written on Aug 12, 2018
Moving to a new home for Darcy Merriweather isn’t as simple as she thought it should be.
The Witch and the Dead by Heather Blake is another excellent book by this fantastic author. Sure I waited almost two years before reading it which was my bad. I am still delighted to have read it now even though Darcy had me wanting to drink hot drinks that usually work in the fall and not right now in the 100+ degree summertime heat.
What I liked about this book:
- Darcy and her friends are back in this book 7 of A Wishcraft Mystery series, and it’s fantastic just like the first six books. As with the rest of the books in the series, this is also in the first-person point of view, and that is of Darcy’s.
- I love how Mrs. Blake makes us feel in each book like we are with the characters learning about these murders and trying to solve the mystery with them. It doesn't matter whatever season we are in it with them. It’s a great thing when it’s scorching to feel the coolness of the fall season even if you aren’t in the fall season.
- Another thing that I loved about The Witch and the Dead by Heather Blake is that it was terrific to catch up with Darcy and her friend and refresh my memory before reading To Catch a Witch this winter (on my schedule for November or December). I am very excited to get back into this world.
- Another thing that I love is the dynamics that each story has especially for the people that have loved ones that are being a bit difficult to handle.
- I also love the little tidbit about the acorns.
What I disliked about this book:
It’s also a bit hard to do this part in any book review. I didn’t like that everyone was so judgmental about Ve’s involvement in the murder of her missing second husband. I also didn’t like the fact that Dorothy is still so mean to Darcy even more so in this book than those before. The other things I dislike happen to be spoilers and I try my hardest not to spoil anything for anyone.
What I am curious about for the next book:
I am curious about a lot of things for the next book, especially how everyone will like it how Darcy is running “As You Wish” and about some other stuff. Spoilers and all, so I am keeping that to myself.
Five Stars
Like always The Witch and the Dead by Heather Blake is another five-star worthy book to me. It kept me guessing, and I didn’t know who did it until the end. It was so good, like the others books in the series. I am glad to have read this novel. I will so totally recommend this book to anyone that loves a cozy witch mystery books.
If you haven't had a chance check out the A Wishcraft Mystery Series, they are fabulously witchy.
Anyways until the next time enjoy this review brought to you by
Happy Reading!This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove