Written on Dec 8, 2016
Oh, how to write this review without giving any spoilers? I’m not even talking about spoiling the first book, but just this book. This story was full of surprises. I thought that we would have a new hero and heroine (because most of Eve Langlais books are written with a different hero and heroine for each book), but no, this one follows our same couple as the first book, Pirate.
So the story starts out with a guy waking up in a dungeon with no memories. He decides that he is going to call himself “Oblivion”. He soon learns that he was sold to Jakk’ohb A’Diabbloh, who owns Lac’uus, which is a fight club of sorts. He must kill 100 other fighters in order to win his freedom.
Emma has been on Annabelle for several days with no word of Rafe. Annabelle, being the mischievous ship that she is, takes Emma to a place where she thinks Rafe has been seen. Emma, who isn’t at all used to dealing with the alien worlds, is quickly captured by Jakk’ohb A’Diabbloh. He wants her to be sold off to the winners for reasons I’m sure you understand. She figures her way through that system.
I don’t want to go too much more into the story, so as to avoid spoilers. I will just say that if you enjoyed book one, you will enjoy this story. While this series isn’t my favorite by Ms. Langlais, it is still a fun series. I love the world and the descriptions of everything in this series. While this series has humor in it, not as much as I’m used to from Eve Langlais. This is a series that you should start from the beginning or you will be completely lost. I’m very interested to see where it goes from here. If you like Sci-Fi and snark, I hope you will consider to giving this series a try.
“Have they managed to lock your systems down.” Because making it to his ship was only part of the problem. If the moon security detail had snared her controls, he’d never get his vessel off this blasted rock.
“They only think they have commander. I’ve made the necessary preparations so that we can leave rapidly.”
“Thank you, commander.”
His ship sounded smug at his praise and yet, her very presence served to remind. “We will be having a talk again about your behavior. Given your most recent lapse of judgement in coming here, perhaps we should introduce action-inhibitors.”
“Yes, I’ve been bad. Very bad. The commander should tie up my circuits,” purred his AI.
Rafe blinked and might have blushed if his companions had heard the sultry suggestion.
I don’t know what I can say about Chandra Skyye that I haven’t said already. She’s narrated several books for Eve Langlais. Her voice has really grown on me in the time since I first started listening to her. After seeing the names in this story (which I didn’t know the spelling as I was listening), she did a great job with the pronunciations (though, to be fair, I have no idea if they were correct or not, they sounded good).