I think everyone has had a moment, when they wish they could go back in time and change the outcome of a particular situation. In 27 Days, Hadley gets the opportunity, and the stakes are high. She...Read more
I think everyone has had a moment, when they wish they could go back in time and change the outcome of a particular situation. In 27 Days, Hadley gets the opportunity, and the stakes are high. She gets 27 days to prevent Archer from taking his own life. The concept is so beautiful, and I was in love with the idea of this book.
Gervais does a respectable job with this story, and there were so many things I really loved and thought she did well.
- I liked that Gervais hinted at some sort of previous connection between Hadley and Archer. It was a brief connection, but it made it seem more believable that she would feel some sort of loss with Archer's death.
-I found myself smiling, when Hadley finally made a breakthrough with Archer. It was hard fought, and she didn't give up - on him, or herself.
-Both Archer and Hadley were quite complex, and I really appreciated the way their backstory was revealed, and I cannot lie, I got really emotional the more I learned about Archer.
-The Morales family and extended family! I loved them all so much, and had wished I was invited to dinners with them. They had suffered some great losses, but they had each other to ease the pain. I wanted to reach through my kindle and smack Archer, because he could not see what was right in front of him. He was surrounded by so much love. #FamilyGoals
-I was so happy to see Hadley's relationship with her parents grow and improve. She was the poor little rich girl in every sense of the cliche, but the author made an effort to move past that, and show that with effort, things can change and improve. I think that is a big overarching idea in this book, and I am onboard with that.
I actually had no problems with the parts of the story that leaned more contemporary. It was the paranormal portions that left me with so many questions. I loved the inclusion of these characters and the magic they wielded, but Gervais did not give me enough information regarding particular things with respect to the supernatural portions. For example, why mention a contract with some sort of terms should Hadley fail, if you are never going to mention the stakes? Since this is billed as book #1, I can forgive the few holes that left me wondering. And, yeah, I peeked at the synopsis for book 2, and I think it will answer those questions.
Overall: a solid start to a series I am interested in reading more of.
**I would like to thank the publisher for the advanced copy of this book. Quotes are from an ARC and may change upon publication.