Written on Aug 20, 2015
When I say I read these shorts for passing amusement, this is the series that comes to mind first…because it is way to hilarious for it’s own good. I started this series because why the hell not read about some woman saving the world by screwing aliens…my curiosity has lead me into worse literary situations so I’m pretty much fearless now.
Tall White and Hung pits Amy up against a Tall White who has lost his mate right before mating season, and now it’s up to her to calm him down as a part of humanity’s overwhelming desire to be good neighbor and gain some top secret info. The conversations are still hilarious,but the sex is…almost normal. However the ending was pretty much the best part and had me giggle snorting at work. *hint* it involves a taser.
So in the end this was another little fun addition to the series, and I can’t wait to see how she handles a Mothman *shudders* in the next book.