Written on Nov 2, 2021
I love Harper's no-bullshit attitude, I love how she is really strong herself but doesn't feel the need to constantly prove it, because she is secure enough in herself. I loove to have a FMC who is so emotionally mature, it really cut out a lot of dramatic bullshit that always appears in other books, without taking anything away from the emotional relationship between Knox and Harper. You still get enough drama and problems, but it's seldom from petty, useless crap. That makes reading this a lot more enjoyable, since I am not constantly arguing with the Characters about how stupid they are in my head.
I really like Knox as well. He has a lot less emotional maturity, he is a control freak bordering on something you would never accept if it wasn't in a fantasy book, fated mate-style and if he wasn't freaking hot. But since he is all that, plus he is extremely selfaware about his own faults, it mainly makes it hot when he goes full caveman and expects Harper to play along. I like their relationship and how they are pretty much constantly very openly communicating their thoughts and needs. Also, the chemistry is freaking off the charts, I could practically feel the heat. The sex scenes were to die for, but to be honest (and this is purely personal taste) it got a bit excessiv. But that's really just personal taste, because I tend to like the build up and chemistry more than the actual act itself (as far as reading goes). It just gets old after the third time. Still hot though.
For the plot... it wasn't bad. I actually liked the political discussions and considerations. What bothered me slightly was the pacing I think. Isla was such a big and obvious problem for such a huge portion of the book and then Knox kills her in seconds without really making her realize what is going on? Nu-uh... Bitch deserved to suffer more. It just seemed like the ending was slightly anti-climatic to how well the build up and suspense was. That is probably my only concern. So the plot is a little bit meh, but it get's four stars for main characters, side characters and chemistry. I will definitely read the rest of this series!