This book left me with a Hulk like green tinge when I arrived at work each day. Listening on the train left me agitated, frustrated and a little overwhelmed. I would walk into work and it would take me awhile to simmer down from listening to Happily Ever Ninja. Deep breaths, constant reminders that it's "just a book" and hiding helped. I have never read or listened to a book that had me this angry.
I was angry that women have to go through childbirth. I was angry that men sometimes don't see what is right in front of their noses. I was angry that people think they know what's best and they're not always right. I was angry that sometimes wives have to fib a little to husbands to keep the peace. I was angry that pregnancy feels like you're dying. I was angry that the hero made me laugh when I wanted to join the heroine and put him in a choke-hold. I was angry that the heroine didn't scream, shout, rant and rave when she should have. I was angry that love makes you forgive too easily.
I was angry because I recognised it all.
I was angry because I could relate to it all.
I was angry because we do it all for love, peace and happiness.
In the end, the things that made me angry in the story made me love it more. I'm not alone. Penny Reid again proved to me that she's a master of real women romance. I bow down in gratitude and thanks, Ms Reid, I don't feel angry and alone anymore.