Written on Jan 9, 2017
Unfortunately, this one ended up being just OK for me. There was a definite lack of chemistry between the hero and heroine IMO. For the first 30-40% of the book, Aaron came across SO indifferent towards Whitney. Oh sure he thought she was gorgeous and enjoyed hanging out with her, but where were the sparks? The chemistry? The lust? She pretty much could have been a cocker spaniel for as much interest he showed in her. As the book progressed he starts to show more interest, but I still never felt like this was some GREAT romance. Like she was his ONE. More like she was "the one AVAILABLE" if that makes sense?
Now, Whitney, I liked from the beginning and was looking forward to reading more about her. Alas, as Aaron got better Whitney got worse. I got pretty tired of her constantly whining and crying because her mother died of cancer a YEAR earlier. Yes Yes, that makes me a cold-hearted bitch. I know people just don't get over that death of a loved one overnight, but honestly, it just got on my nerves. On top of that, she started acting stupid. Like claiming Aaron wasn't her "boyfriend" they were just hanging out. I don't know about y'all, but I generally, as a rule, don't let people I am just hanging out with finger my vagina. Plus the whole "mamogram" fiasco...sigh. Really??
On a positive note. It was well written. The pace moved along fairly well. The little girl from the first book was ADORABLE. So really this was more of an "it's me" than the book being bad.