Written on Feb 12, 2015
Lorcan Byrne takes up an offer from his friend to work temporarily in the US. After many years of flitting around the world as part of the work he was involved with, he views six months in this small American town as a place to kickback for a while, especially if he gets an opportunity to demonstrate his wicked Celtic kiss!
Julie Denison has struggled with her weight and self-esteem most of her life, only managing to shed the excess pounds in recent years. However her confidence is far from recovered and she still has a daily battle to keep her sweet tooth cravings under control. When a gorgeous Irish man appears, she is instantly taken with him, but just can't see herself as possibly being attractive to any man.
The interaction between Lorcan and Julie is awkward to begin with. You can feel Julie's anxieties as she struggles to accept that this man finds her attractive. However, when he manages to break down her inhibitions you can feel the heat building between them. At times I wanted to knock their heads together in frustration especially as Julie's actions left me exasperated. I really began to think that Julie wasn't very bright because her actions seemed unrealistic for someone her age - to be so naïve in all aspects of her life, not just in relationships. In response to Julie, Lorcan tended to talk down to her like an adult to a child. The overall effect is two people who fall in love with each other, who are pussy-footing around in an attempt to deflect attention away from their mutual feelings.
I would have liked to have seen the storyline more developed to include more of Lorcan's life away from Julie – what exactly did he do to earn his salary and Mercedes? Overall a well written,fun read with good character development.
3½ Stars
***arc received from Publisher in exchange for an honest review***