Written on Nov 22, 2016
Ward once again gives us multiple perspectives from those of the Lessers, Butch, Marissa, John a young deaf man born with the mark, and from others in the brotherhood. While the heart of the story is the romance, we still get plenty of plot advancement in the fight against evil. The Omega is searching for the one of prophecy and causes some series problems for Butch and the brothers. We got to know Vishous better, and I wanted to give this dark vampire a hug. Despite his internal struggles, he is there for Butch making him a stand-up guy even if at times he made me shiver. I am looking forward to his story.
Both Marissa and Butch transform in Lover Revealed. We see growth, acceptance and discovery for both. Marissa comes into her own through help from the Queen and King. Butch who struggles with alcohol and a sense of not belonging finally puts down some roots. Their romance and developments provided plenty of emotions as I read which included anger, fear, laughter and a few swoons. I did want to slap them both on the back of the head a time or two, but friends intervened. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer