Romance Schmomance
Written on Jun 10, 2017
Hundreds is the third book in the Dollar Series, so you'll have to start from the beginning of this series to know what's going on in this one. Hundreds pick up right where Dollars ended, and boy what cliffhanger that left us in. It's a relief to see the aftermath of that moment.
This book surrounds these two and they work through not only their inner turmoil but the growing passion and urgency. I'm dubbing this book as the big development in their story. With Pim, feeling better about her sense of security and wanting to open up more to Elder. She also wants him to give her more.
Elder, we definitely learn more about his story. He's definitely still closed up, but we get a few moments here and there where we completely let his walls down! And boy, those scenes are dark and STEAMY! There's reasons why he won't completely let PIm in and you'll be dying to know!
And in true Pepper fashion, we're left with a cliffhanger that'll make you anxious to get your hands on the next installment.
Pepper has the gift to constant deliver so many dark and beautiful lines through her characters. Elder has SO much to say and his inner turmoil kills me. The entire book you'll be wondering and guessing what exactly his dark side looks like. And I have a feeling that we won't know what that is until closer to the end of the series.
Ah, and the growth we see with Pimlico is an absolutely stunning thing to watch. That's another thing about Pepper's writing that I love so much, seeing the heroine grow SO MUCH throughout the series. The come out sooooo damn strong and fearless in the end and it's a beautiful sight. Truly admirable characters!
I can't wait to read more of their story together, but also their personal stories. I have no idea what to expect because I already know that SO MUCH will happen that will probably blow us away. Come on Thousands, I am ready for you!