Quirky Cat
A Longer Fall is the second novel in the Gunnie Rose series by Charlaine Harris. And it’s a novel that I’ve been eagerly waiting for all year. Gunnie Rose is an alternate history fantasy series; one that is full of Gunnies, magic, and fighting.
After losing her last crew, Lizbeth Rose has had to find a new crew to work with. But the job she took on with them ends up being a lot more complicated – and dangerous – than she was lead to believe. Now Lizbeth has to protect the cargo and help the town she was meant to deliver it to. And that’s only the beginning of this tale.
Lizbeth Rose is a Gunnie. That means she shoots people for a living. She doesn’t do it for fun. But she’ll do it should they threaten the people or cargo she’s been hired to protect. And she’s an excellent shot too – so I’d advise against the idea. She’s also a compassionate woman, one who knows where her strengths lay, and isn’t afraid to ask for help when needed.
“So I needed a new crew. Jake had needed another shooter. Here I was. This was not the job I’d have picked for my first one back, but it was better than none.”
Warnings: A Longer Fall contains several intense subjects. Fans of the series are already well aware of the setting, and thus how bad things can get. This novel covers subjects such as prejudice and slavery, sexism, and torture.
I’ve been waiting and looking forward to A Longer Fall for over a year now. And I’ve got to say, it was completely worth the wait. My only regret is that I’ll now have to wait another year (at least) before I can get my hands on the next book!
A Longer Fall was everything I had been hoping for, and then some. It was intense, being full of fights, drama, and tension. It brought back one of my favorite characters, Lizbeth Rose, in all of her glory. But naturally, things have to change. And that means she’s had to join a new crew. I was surprised by some of the decision making here, but I’ve got to admit that it led to a brilliant plot.
The setup for A Longer Fall was well done. There’s a little bit of rehashing for those of us with less than stellar memories. But it probably isn’t enough to fill in any new readers to the series. So seriously, take a minute to go read An Easy Death first. You won’t regret it.
There were some elements I was surprised by. I wasn’t at all surprised (or disappointed) to see Eli make his appearance once again. But I was surprised by the way Harris wrote in some of what I’d consider to be more classic romantic (or is it romantic comedy?) tropes into the mix. I didn’t mind them, because it was interesting and funny. But I can see why it might have bothered some people (though I’m hoping I’m wrong there).
And oh! That ending. While the main plot was actually completely wrapped up, I’ve found myself left with about a million and ten questions. And thus I’m extremely anxious (that doesn’t even begin to cover it, actually) for the next book to come out. It’s going to be a long wait this time around!
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