Written on Jul 20, 2018
Goh BLIMEY!! Laura Thalassa really knows how to sock it to you. The Queen of All that Dies was fantastic. I think her writing is original but it affects me in a different way to other stories. I find myself a constant observer. When I read a lot of my other books, I place myself in the heroine's position. I am fighting, working, dancing and living as the heroine. I live and breathe their lives from the first page to the last. When I read a Laura Thalassa, I can't quite step into the heroine's shoes. Her shoes are too big for me to wear. I can't be the strong, determined, kick arse...detached, mechanical and ruthless heroine I meet. I must stand at her side with my hands tied to my sides... watching, observing... hiding.
I found myself gutted by the situation Serenity was forced into. Serenity was a pawn. Serenity was a gift. Serenity must forsake her own happiness to end a war. She must knowingly walk into a trap, smile and graciously accept that she has been offered up as a sacrifice to end a war. Serenity has been handed over to a King, a King that is the cause of all her misery.
But, the murderer of many has a weakness. Turns out, all that was needed to bring about his downfall was Serenity.
It's a funny thing reading this book. You know that King Lazuli is the worst, most evil man on earth. He's killed a lot of people, ruined the world and the environment, all while living in the lap of luxury. It was hard to see only the bad though. Like Serenity, I see the touches of humanity, vulnerability and emotion he can't hide. There's passion in his eyes when he looks at Serenity. He will do anything to keep her safe and protect her from harm. He wants her love and he's doing everything in his power to get it. BUT...I have to keep reminding myself HE'S BAD!!
I am absolutely STOKED that this series is already out. For the first time EVER, I loved that this one had a cliffy ending. It ended in a way that left me hungering for more. It was interesting, I didn't see it coming and I was left thoroughly satisfied AND I DON'T HAVE TO WAIT FOR MORE!!!
If you haven't tried a Laura Thalassa, I suggest you get to it. Sure, they're a touch confronting and it's bloody hard work falling for the heroes, but her words are so interesting. The books I've tried so far has been excellent. They're fresh, interesting, thought-provoking, sexy and intriguing. Exactly what I look for in my reads. I'm looking for Traitors in The Fallen World #2