Written on Mar 23, 2016
This book is the third one in the Power of the Matchmaker series, but you can read it as a standalone as well. Which I did, because I was too happy a new Kelly Oram book was released to bother with more research haha. But I did afterwards, and now I’m working my way through the other ones of the Power of the Matchmaker series, and I even made my own challenge out of it !!
But well, the book. Ohh how completely adorable and great this book was ! It is one of those books that you can finish in a day. It was so lovely and cute and I just loved it. I finished it in no time and noticed I hadn’t even take any quotes !! I was so much into it that I just didn’t want to stop to write things down haha.
At first I was kind of unsure about the main character, mainly because it is a HE. Not that I am some kind of feminist who only wants to read about women.. But to be honest, I’m a woman and I can more easily sympathize and relate to another one. AND, even more important, I find that most writers do not give a realistic view of the mind of a male in books. I kind of resent that and it annoys me more than I’m enjoying the story. But in this book I wasn’t bothered and I think she gave a more realistic view then most.
So, this story is about Nate who is just sick of living with his brothers (together they are triplets). They are way more outgoing then he is and they mess a lot with him. He doesn’t really fit in with them. When they ruin his laptop with important stuff for his education on it, he is done with them. He leaves angry and runs into an older Chinese woman. She suggest Jordan to him and before he knows it, he has a new and improved home and a new roommate. Only problem being his girlfriend, who doesn’t approve of him living with another woman. And (un)fortunately that is not the only problem they have, because she does not believe in him or support his dream: to become an artist, a musician. Luckily, Jordan completely gets him, as an aspiring film maker. They really connect and grow closer, and closer..
How it made me smile when Pearl suggested Jordan to Nate, knowing she was fooling him in some way. But I can’t even begin to explain how much I love Pearl for doing that. It set all of it in motion, and I loved how she, and later he as well, compared their lives to movies. I’m quite the movie buff myself, so I loved how she brought all these movies I know and adore into this story.
Like Eurotrip ! Ha ! How much fun I had watching that movie again and again with friends. Oh and of course all the music/dance movies like, Step Up and Save the Last Dance. Of course some more masculine movies as Xmen and Die Hard to mix things up.
And later on, Shakespeare in Love, which is one of my favorites !! And.. as last, Love Actually.. *sight*.. It brings back so many memories, and that made this book even more great to me. I really really loved how she weaved all of those movies into this story and made me remember them.
And not just the movies, but the music as well. Like artists from this time as Taylor Swift and Hana Montana haha, but also some oldies like the song Jolene. And I loved how he searched to deepen his music and make it more HIM. So awesome !!
And well, the romance itself was kind of epic on its own. I kept rooting for them, and when they finally got together it was SO AWESOME !! I hated when things went wrong and I felt it all the way to the bone. I got in some kind of depressed mood while reading that part of the book, and even though that is not very happy and all, it is amazing how a writer can influence your mood. How, by writing the right words she can decide if you’re feeling happy or sad. That is a quality not a lot of writers have, and I love how Kelly Oram is one of the writers who is capable of that.
Loved the characters, Jordan is such an extraordinary person with her own quirks. Colin is just a great and funny guy and Nate’s brothers were very funny and cool as well.
And, I loved how they referred to some of the characters of Cinder & Ella ! That book is one of my all-time favourites and I loved that they “lived” in the same world !
And because this is part of the Power of the Matchmaker series, I have to comment on Pearl. I really like her in this part, playing a MAJOR role in them getting together. I like that she shows up out of nowhere on the moments that are defining for their relationship and how it progresses. Mainly at the ending, she is like some sort of magician creating the perfect circumstances for them to get together. She had something magical about her, and that is exactly how she is supposed to be in this role.
So, yeah I would totally recommend reading this book. It was a great read and I really enjoyed it. It is cute and fluffy, but sad and depressing as well. But, most of all, it has an amazing epic ending that made me feel all happy on the inside. So, I would like to give this book 5 Freyja’s. Because I really really loved it, and will properly read it a lot in the future.