I tried. I tried so hard to be interested in and to like this book, but reading this book was so tedious. I really did want to learn more about Newfoundland’s history, especially before it became a part of Canada, because I think knowing our history is important. The fact that nonfiction tends to bore me is a factor in the way I feel about this book, but I think the format and writing also affected me.
This book is half history and half travelogue, which I wasn’t expecting, but it seemed like a cool concept. I was intrigued. From the beginning, though, I could see that it doesn’t work, at least for me. Winter tries to make connections between what he is doing and the past, and while those connections may be there, the way he presents them is quite stilted. A lot of this book, in this instance and for the book as a whole, feels disjointed and kind of random. It feels as if there is no clear path. While most of the history is told chronologically, Winter goes back and forth with describing battles and different soldiers and chunks of life back then. This made the book very hard to read and made me lose interest often.
Then again, maybe I just wasn’t into the book and that’s why it all seems disjointed. Since I wasn’t very interested it took me a while to read this book, and so I read snippets at a time. The concept seemed pretty interesting, but either my disinterest affected my reading or the execution just isn’t all that great.