Written on Jan 9, 2018
This book is light-hearted and has some funny moments. The texting cracks me up, probably because I have the same problem Deidre does with texting. It is so bad, she makes this comment:
"Please, if we're any kind of friends, don't make me text."
I like the fact that Jeremiah is not bothered at all about the fact that Deidre does renovations and is the owner of the company he had considered applying to.
Did we know that was a girl?"
Jeremiah shook his head. Not that it mattered. It didn't. His mom could swing a hammer about as well as his dad. But it had been a shock to discover the owner of his dream job looked a lot like a famous cartoon fairy.
"but using your brain, doing what you think is right and makes sense, doesn't preclude relying on God. It's not an either-or proposition. I don't think God asks us to sit on our hands and wait for a divine nudge before we get dressed in the morning."
"I know, but the idea's the same. If your intent is to do what God wants for you, if that's what you're praying for and earnestly seeking, then you start on the path that makes sense and listen. God's pretty good about making it clear when you need to turn."
Each book in the series stands by itself with a clear beginning and ending, though they do all build on each other, sharing characters from the other books. I suggest you start right in on this new series so you are ready for the next book when it comes out.
This review was originally posted on Among the Reads
I am grateful to Elizabeth Maddrey for giving me a copy of this book. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.