Tattered was a book I chose for Lex and I to read because Devney Perry was attending RAREParis. It's a book I'm not sure I can adequately do justice to in a review so I'm thankful we're chatting about it. ;)
I agree! So nice to discover this amazing author - and I'm so happy we co-read, too!
You know I'm a sucker for second chance romances, wifey and the second chance Thea and Logan get is a whopper! ;) I loved everything about the initial meeting between them to have those set of rules ended up not working for them. For several reasons. But timing wasn't on their side. Until Logan walks into Thea's bar in Montana! How did you feel about how DPerry set up this second chance for Thea and Logan?
It was AWESOME! I totally loved it, it was so well done, especially because they both had thought about each other during those years apart. I felt so bad for Thea when she saw him, and realized all the things she had to talk to him about. And how she told him what kind of drink he needed.
DPerry deal with some difficult topics in Tattered. Brilliantly, in my opinion. Thea was an abandoned, drug-addicted baby and grew up in an orphanage. She, therefore, struggles with wanting to belong and to have a family. Logan on the other hand, comes from a wealthy family. He's an attorney which only adds to his clout. The social status differences between him and Thea are monumental. But DPerry made it all seem like a walk in the park. What did you think about Thea and Logan coming from different worlds and whether or not they could handle it?
Yeah, Thea's life had not been a dance on roses, that's for sure. And wanting to belong, have a family, and trust in love was hard for her. Logan did come from a wealthy family, but he didn't really feel like he was a true part of that family, though. He was very often on the outskirts of the family, feeling like the odd man out. So yeah, economically, they come from different worlds, but from an emotional point of view, they were very similar, in my opinion.
Tattered had an incredibly colorful cast including a cranky Gran, an overly protective brother-type, snooty parents, and spoiled sisters. And then there's Charlie! Charlie was such a whirlwind of energy. She runs everywhere. She's bright and introspective. She takes the world in and mulls it over. I adored her! I highly admire DPerry for incorporating a child and having her be such an integral part of the story - not simply a plot device. What did you think of the cast overall? And how did you feel about Charlie?!? ;)
The cast of characters was among my favorite things in Tattered! And I loved how Charlie was such a big part of the action, because often kids in romance novels are left on the sidelines. She was a great kid, and I thought her world view was really good. She was able to share her thoughts with Thea, and Thea always listened to her. Even when it took Charlie a little while to be able to formulate her thoughts. I also thought that the character development was really well done. It made the whole story and everything in the plot make a lot of sense.
The romance between Thea and Logan was something to behold. As was the development of Charlie and Logan's relationship. There was quite a bit of character growth, with Thea and Logan both dealing with personal issues they have stemming from how they grew up. What were you feelings about the romance and the character development?
I agree! The romance was so good - I loved how they were both fighting their feelings, while at the same time feeling so lucky they finally met again. And I thought that the way Thea and Logan dealt with their childhood troubles was very realistic. And as I said before, the character development was so well done. It made Thea and Logan very real to me.
There was also a bit of suspense. DPerry did a good job at throwing in some red herrings and I was surprised at the turn of events. I did feel like this element was a bit too tidy in the end though. What did you think of the suspense?
The suspense elements worked well, too. And while some things were a bit too tidy in the end, I have to admit I was unable to breathe there for a while. And I could relate to Thea and the way she dealt with things when they first started - because she really thought it didn't have anything to do with her personally. And I wasn't able to guess the who behind everything, so that was a plus for me, too.
Tattered was so good! It delivered so much - emotion...HUGE emotion. Family - the importance of family in all its incarnations. Chemistry. Love. Gah! Your final thoughts, wifey?
All of the emotions. I loved it! And you know I loved Tattered so much I continued reading this whole series, plus all of Perry's other published books. I just couldn't stop my new obsession ;) I'm so happy we both found a new winner, Brandee! Plus, I love how the cover actually has something to do with the story. It made it even nicer to get the paperback signed at RARE ;)