Written on Jun 27, 2013
Loved Colby. Great female character, she might have some battle scars but she is a strong and intelligent woman. I also like how the guys are kind of drooling over her when she is a celebrity judge. I was thinking my head, yay you show them. Hot girl with brains and talent!
Jason, oh Jason. Can this guy be any more swoon worthy? Where do I sign up for the fire department in that town? :). I also really liked that Jason has a single father’s perspective who is trying to raise an almost teenage daughter. It left it open for some really cute scenes like at the grocery store. Emma often seemed liked the more mature one of the group though, of course. I think sometimes kids have hidden wisdom to look at things with less complication.
The romance is perfect. We get some great tension/chemistry between Colby and Jason. Also I liked how some things were not overly graphic, I can read a romance and not need to know every aspect of what goes down physically.
I love the family atmosphere that is created in the book. Not just from Colby’s immediate family but as a town. I liked how close knit so many of them were and even Colby mentions how in Vegas she can walk in a store and not recognize anyone but not in her hometown. The families are not perfect and have their dysfunctions but that doesn’t keep them from being close. I loved how protective Cane is of Colby and cannot wait for his book either. I also love some words of wisdom that Colby’s mom leaves behind.
This book was full of great supporting characters and I love the strength that gives the book and its plot. That’s why there is a supporting actor/actress awards because they definitely have their own importance and Rachel does an awesome job incorporating them. It made me want to know more about them and look forward to continuing the series
I loved the setting of being New Orleans, I have never been and I can say now I really want to go. I loved the incorporation of the sights, the food and the people. I was thinking how I need to write down the name of some of the places. I also loved the description of the food as well. I love to eat and watch cooking shows so the whole thing was right up my alley. Toss in a hot firemen and I’m sold.
I really loved the book and highly recommend it.