Cocktails and Books
Written on Jul 16, 2015
I don't think I've ever read a book where I wanted to hero to run as far away from the heroine as he possibly could. I spent about three quarters of this book telling Liam (via my Kindle screen) to dump Megan and find someone else. But Harper Sloan knows how to write a hot ass alpha male, so I stuck it out with Liam and was glad I did.
Megan moved to Hope Town hoping to start a new life for herself and her daughter after her husband died serving in the military. She's found a solid job and a core group of friends that have helped her, but she can't seem to move forward in the romance department, even though she has it bad for local police officer, Liam. Even after one incredible hot night with him she pushes him away. Afraid of what she feels for him. Of what the means with regards to what she felt for her dead husband. And confused about how she could possibly move on.
Now, I get all of Megan's confused feelings and sympathized with her for a bit, but mixed messages to Liam and even herself, became too much. Here was this guy. An awesomely hot guy, who could turn her on like nobody's business, wanting to take care of her and her daughter. To love her. And she kept pushing him away. It was at this point where I wanted Liam to find someone else. Walk away and let some other woman love him. I didn't want to see him constantly hurt by a woman who didn't seem to understand that it was OK to love someone more than her dead husband, especially when it was revealed what her relationship was like with him.
Liam was a glutton for punishment. And for as much as I wanted him to walk away, he apparently knew Megan was worth the fight and stuck it out. His persistence paid off and, in the end, we got a HEA for this couple that was special to them. They fought for it, but this couple made it worth it til the last page.
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