Written on Apr 2, 2018
Quote from story:
Addison held his breath as the sun started to sink. The breathtaking colors splashed across the sky, just like every other night. But somehow, Addison knew he was going to remember this sunset....Read more
My review is 4.5 Stars
Quote from story:
Addison held his breath as the sun started to sink. The breathtaking colors splashed across the sky, just like every other night. But somehow, Addison knew he was going to remember this sunset. This moment was like none other. For now, the sun was setting on his father’s reign as King, and tomorrow, it would rise as his.
Following the thoughts and lives of Prince Addison and his seven siblings on the eve of his coronation, The Coronation is a beautiful story of the kingdom of Tarsurella, a nation founded on the principles of Christianity. The royal family is headed by a king who loves God with his whole heart, and the lives of most of his children reflect the faith that he passed on to them. But despite the rich heritage, the kingdom is not perfect and there is unrest from the subjects who are living in poverty.
This is the story of the brand new security guard whose estranged father threatens the lives of those he loves in an attempt to get State secrets. Of a princess who feels trapped in her life in the public eye. Of the crown prince who bears the weight of the nation on his shoulders. Of a prince consumed with jealousy and bitterness.
As you might be able to tell, this story is full of intrigue, adventure, and danger. Author Livy Jarmusch did a great job sustaining the suspense. I had no idea what choice Hanson made even after the fateful events of the Coronation night until she revealed it.
This is a beautiful story of learning to live out your faith when the waves of life threaten to overwhelm you.
It is the first book in the series. Though the ending is satisfactory, it is clear that the following books will build on this one as many issues remain unresolved.
Quote from story:
“Help them!” she whispered, “Help us, God! Oh Lord, we need you!” She managed to choke out several phrases, but the majority of her prayer was spoken the in the language of tears.
This review was originally posted on AmongTheReads.net
I would like to thank Livy Lynn Blog for giving me this item. My opinion and review were not influenced by this gift.
Quote from story:
Addison held his breath as the sun started to sink. The breathtaking colors splashed across the sky, just like every other night. But somehow, Addison knew he was going to remember this sunset. This moment was like none other. For now, the sun was setting on his father’s reign as King, and tomorrow, it would rise as his.
Following the thoughts and lives of Prince Addison and his seven siblings on the eve of his coronation, The Coronation is a beautiful story of the kingdom of Tarsurella, a nation founded on the principles of Christianity. The royal family is headed by a king who loves God with his whole heart, and the lives of most of his children reflect the faith that he passed on to them. But despite the rich heritage, the kingdom is not perfect and there is unrest from the subjects who are living in poverty.
This is the story of the brand new security guard whose estranged father threatens the lives of those he loves in an attempt to get State secrets. Of a princess who feels trapped in her life in the public eye. Of the crown prince who bears the weight of the nation on his shoulders. Of a prince consumed with jealousy and bitterness.
As you might be able to tell, this story is full of intrigue, adventure, and danger. Author Livy Jarmusch did a great job sustaining the suspense. I had no idea what choice Hanson made even after the fateful events of the Coronation night until she revealed it.
This is a beautiful story of learning to live out your faith when the waves of life threaten to overwhelm you.
It is the first book in the series. Though the ending is satisfactory, it is clear that the following books will build on this one as many issues remain unresolved.
Quote from story:
“Help them!” she whispered, “Help us, God! Oh Lord, we need you!” She managed to choke out several phrases, but the majority of her prayer was spoken the in the language of tears.
This review was originally posted on AmongTheReads.net
I would like to thank Livy Lynn Blog for giving me this item. My opinion and review were not influenced by this gift.