Written on Feb 16, 2013
Sabina's world changes considerably with book 2 as she's thrust into the mage world. She finds herself overwhelmed with new experiences: meeting her sister, learning magic, having to abide by rules. And she struggles. She struggles a lot. And I liked that who Sabina is continues to change throughout this book. She has FEELINGS. She keeps trying to run away from them, but...she can't. I liked how uncomfortable she was. Her world got all shaken up and now she's trying to figure out where she belongs. Good stuff.
And it wouldn't be a review without mention of Giguhl. No lie, Giguhl ranks up on my list of sidekicks right under Oberon from the Iron Druid Chronicles. His snark and well-timed observations are classic. Plus, he's a demon who often gets stuck in a hairless cat form. And we get to know him a little better. And he's fun. "Why is it forked?" may have been my favorite line in this book. Of course, Giguhl is not the only character in this book worthy of mention. I had a certain fondness for Adam, his aunt--Rhea--and Maisie.
The Mage in Black was a worthy follow-up to Red-Headed Stepchild. The next book in the series is going on my wishlist ASAP, because Jaye Wells didn't exactly leave Sabina in a good place. Shit's going down. THINGS are HAPPENING, people. And I want to know what happens next.