Written on Mar 6, 2014
First date: We meet Marina Knight, who is struggling to keep her bakery Autumn Harvest above water. She is attending a local event when she meets the irresistible Gage Emerson. He is an outsider who has been buying up local real estate. Marina knows he has been trying to contact her father to buy the property he owns, and she hates him for it. Ooo but there are sparks and Marina’s panties are wet just from looking at him…that is till he opens his mouth and inserts his foot. Men.
Second date: flowers, banter, an apology and some wickedly hot scenes that had the pages curling from the heat. I like Marina and Gage and both claim they are using the other to obtain career goals but the sexual tension and heated banter had me saying, “Liar, liar, pants on fire” Had an interesting adventure in a sports car that left me a tad breathless. *evil grins*
Third date: Hot cars, secret deals, tears, and angst have me flipping the pages. Will Gage and Marina get their happy? What the heck is wrong with Marina’s mother? Worst parental advice ever! Someone give that woman some wine. Surprises and tender moments had me smiling by the end of this date.
Torn was a fun addition to this series with a romance that was very steamy, fun and kept me engaged. The romance went from zero-to sixty, but the characters were likable making me swallow the little blue pill and enjoy the ride. Torn offers a fast paced tale that will offer you the perfect afternoon escape. The final book is Savor and is currently available.
Copy received from publisher in exchange for unbiased review that originally published @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer