Written on Jul 8, 2014
Brody is the only blonde-haired brother in the McCauley bunch and that is because he is adopted. Brody is fondly referred to as Flynn’s twin. He has had a thing for Matt’s neighbor since he met her and oddly enough, she is checking out him as well. Both have self-esteem issues but are drawn to each other. The tale that unfolds is sweet; shares delicious banter and will pull at your heartstrings. It is also hot and the pages sizzled. If they can survive their insecurities, and family meddling they may just find their slice of happy.
Abby was hilarious and quite the surprise. She dresses like a librarian but beneath that wholesome façade is one wonton woman. Brody is easy going and cares deeply but previous wounds have kept him from getting to close. Watching him let go and grow was heartwarming. I adored the chemistry between them. He is all man, certainly not a poet and she hides behind the insecurities that bind her. I love when a couple brings out the best in each other and I found myself lost in their story.
How to Handle a Heartbreaker is at its heart a romance, a sizzling hot, pull at your heart, give you the feels romance but it’s so much more than that. Harte wraps family, and friendship into the tale with little side stories, snark, hardship and conversation. The characters are all well developed and you cannot help but be drawn into their circle. Harte knows how to deliver romance and she allowed this one to slowly build out of desire and become something genuine. I giggled aloud, wept, sighed and thoroughly enjoyed this couple. I closed the book with a huge smile and I cannot wait for Vanessa’s story; Ruining Mr. Perfect.
If you are looking for hot romance, brothers, friends and family then grab a copy of How to Handle a Heartbreaker. All of the novels work as a standalone and feature one couple but I highly recommend reading them in order.
Copy received from publisher in exchange for unbiased review.This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer